Any lasting solution to the need for affordable housing requires an ongoing infrastructure to monitor and administer the public assets that are created through these programs. In the past, some inclusionary programs did not include any provision for long-term stewardship of the affordable housing. Affordability covenants or deed restrictions were sometimes seen as self-enforcing. The results of this approach were sometimes disappointing.
Today, there is a widespread recognition that inclusionary housing programs need some level of active oversight and management. However, many programs still greatly underestimate what this requires and fail to adequately plan and budget. Understaffing can jeopardize long-term affordability, either because units are not adequately monitored or because there is not sufficient staff to enforce restrictions when problems arise.
Staffing the Development Process
Successful inclusionary housing programs must have adequate staffing support during the development and building process. Continue reading
Coordination Between Housing and Planning Departments
Inclusionary programs produce affordable units through market-rate, private sector development projects. In almost all cases, a city or county’s planning department is the developers’ first point of contact. Continue reading
Staffing and Outsourcing Options
The basic stewardship of ownership and rental units can be accomplished by city staff or outsourced to nonprofit or private partners. Continue reading
Funding Program Administration
Programs must plan ahead to adequately cover administrative costs if they are going to succeed in monitoring inclusionary housing units over the very long term. Continue reading
Tracking Results
If programs are going to evolve and improve over time, they need to define success and track their ongoing results. Continue reading
Refining the Program Over Time
Every program should regularly collect and evaluate performance data to improve the program’s impact over time, address obstacles, and inform the public about the impact of the program. Continue reading