
How do incentives and affordable housing requirements impact the economics of housing development projects? The Inclusionary Housing Calculator is designed to allow communities to explore the relationship between various local incentives and the development of mixed income housing.

The calculator is prepopulated with data for sample projects and can be further customized by users to reflect the unique circumstances or scenarios in their community.

For example, a user can experiment with the value of a reduction in parking standards and if that offsets the cost of including a mix of housing unit types and values. Participants can choose from various types of market conditions (e.g. strong or soft market) and developments (e.g. high-rise condos), or build their own scenarios.

On February 14, 2018, Grounded Solutions Network launched version 2.0 of the Inclusionary Housing Calculator, with a completely revamped user interface and the ability to save, share, and print your work. Click here to launch the new calculator!

If you have trouble loading the calculator, try running it on a different browser. The calculator works best in Chrome and Safari.

The inclusionary calculator is powered by Grounded Solutions Network.